Another Ghost Tree

Dolly Sods Wilderness, Monongahela National Forest, West Virginia, USA, 12 May 2022

Nearly a year ago we went to Dolly Sods to see the shadbloom (see here), and besides the bloom we found this unidentified dead tree in a small clearing in the midst of a conifer forest.

To be honest, this wasn’t totally unexpected. I’d been seeing reports of some spectacular, mystical tree on Dolly Sods for a while, so while I wasn’t looking for it specifically it didn’t really surprise me when I noticed it.

Anyway, the weather was cool and damp, and the top of Dolly Sods seemed to be stuck in the cloud. And so the light that fell into the clearing and on the tree was just right to give the area a haunted glow.

I don’t know what type of tree it is.