Pine Barren Death Camas

Dolly Sods Wilderness, Monongahela National Forest, West Virginia, USA, Sunday, 19 July 2022

Pine Barren Death Camas (Stenanthium leimanthoides)

Pine Barren Death Camas (Stenanthium leimanthoides). They’re also known as Zigadenus leimanthoides or Amianthium leimanthoides. or Oceanorus leimanthoides, or maybe even Stenanthium densum, depending largely on how old the guide you’re using is — scientific classification has changed over the years. In any case, it’s a rare plant, native to the Appalachian Mountains. And, as its common name implies, all parts are poisonous. Which was okay, since we didn’t plan to eat it anyway.

We noticed this one in a field of Wood Lilies (Lilium philadelphicum), Huckleberries, and Blueberries (Vaccinium spp.) as we drove along the park road not far from Bear Rocks Preserve.